The scourge of terrorism has for long afflicted South Asia causing extensive social
disharmony. Since terrorism poses a serious threat to peace and cooperation as well as
friendly and good neighborly relations, cooperative security is must in this region. The
transnational character of terrorism erodes external-internal security distinctions. It
requires a combination of unilateral, bilateral and multilateral approaches. Recognizing the
need of region wide cooperation against all forms and manifestations of terrorism is
becoming the most vital strategy of regional security. In its response SAARC can provide a
rock solid platform for multilateral approaches to the regional fight against
In this backdrop, PSC takes steps to strengthen SAARC police capabilities through organizing
a tailor made training that will work on the security needs of SAARC member countries. It is
a two-week duration course designed for the participants in the rank of SP from SAARC member
Course objectives:
► Combating Transnational Crimes in SAARC Region
► Sharing Knowledge and Experience in Professional Issues of Common Interest
► Maximizing SAARC Police Co-operation
► Exchanging the Best Practices of Policing
Expected Outcome:
► Potent and Functional Policing Network within the SAARC Countries
► Sharing and Discussion of Common Issues
► Integrated Approach to Facilitate Combating Transnational Crimes
► Exercising Best Practices in Dealing with Conventional and Other Crimes